What's a Media Mogul Enterprise?

A Media Mogul Enterprise is a company or organization that hires and/or trains the New Media Mogul. Both the Media Mogul Enterprise and the New Media Mogul traits are:

critical thinking

Types of Companies and Organization that Will Become Media Mogul Enterprises

Traditional institutions such as banking, finance, healthcare, education and agriculture are some examples of industries that will, given the disruption that they are facing and will face, will take on becoming Media Mogul Enterprises. How quickly they are able to do this will determine their success.

Meanwhile, while traditional institutions are adapting to the massive changes happening around them, entrepreneurs will challenge them by applying the principles of MediaMogulNomics. Of note is that these entrepreneurs may develop an agility that traditional institutions cannot easily match.



Next Wave of the Internet

"Entrepreneurs...are going to challenge the biggest industries in the world and those that most affect our lives." -- Steve Case co-founder of AOL speaking about the next wave of the internet.

institutions will be challenged and transformed from now through 2030 and beyond